Safety and Trust

Physiotherapy is a regulated health profession that's distinct from nursing, medicine and pharmacy. By law, physiotherapists must be registered with the Colegio Profesional de Fisioterapeutas (HCPC). The HCPS only accepts registration from practitioners who have a qualification in physiotherapy that are recognized by the HCPC and who comply with their standards of practice.  As part of this process, the HCPC checks they have the correct insurance and are meeting professional development requirements.

URBAN FISIO ensures that every Physiotherapist is certified, insured and registered with the Colegio Profesional de Fisioterapeutas (HCPC) and meeting the minimum requirement to practice. This information is displayed in their biography on the platform.

When hiring our physiotherapists we also take into account their human quality, so that the service is as pleasant as possible. Furthermore, at URBAN FISIO we are committed to stable employment as a source of well-being and prosperity for the whole of society. That is why 90% of our Physiotherapists are permanent staff.

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